Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Gujarati News Papers : Read All News At One Place


 Gujarati News Papers : Read All News At One Place

Modern newspaper pioneers include the ancient Roman Catat Durna ("daily acts") - announcements of political and social events, and manuscript newsletters published in the late Middle Ages by various international merchants, including the Fuger family of Augsburg.

In England, a printed news book or news pamphlet usually dealt with a single local event, such as a war, tragedy, or public celebration. A well-known example of English victory over the Scots in the Battle of Floden (1513). Other pioneers include Town Cryer and Ball Leds and Broadside.

In the first two decades of the 17th century, movable-type printed regular papers were published in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The Dutch "Coranto" ("news currents"), which combined items from foreign journals, became the source of English and French translations published in Amsterdam in the early 1620s. Rudimentary newspapers were published in many European countries in the 17th century, and a broadsheet with social news was published in Japan during the Tokugawa period (1603–1867).

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The first English corantos appeared in London in 1621. By the 1640s, the news book had become a newspaper - the headline page dropped. The first English daily was the Daily Currant (1702–35). Until 1771 Parliament did not recognize the right of journalists to report its proceedings. The Times, which became a model for high quality and later led to mechanical innovation, was founded by John Walter in 1785, and the Observer was founded in 1791.

The Thirty Years' War (1618-48) pushed back the compulsory newspapers in Germany, and censorship in various forms was common throughout Europe. Sweden passed the first law in 1766 guaranteeing the freedom of the press.

The first daily in France, the Journal de Paris, was started in 1771, and the Journal des 89bats (1789), published until World War II, was established daily to report on sessions of the National Assembly. Papers multiplied during the revolution and then declined rapidly.

The first newspaper in the United States, Public Occurrence, both foreign and domestic (Boston, September 1690), was suppressed by the colonial governor after an issue. In 1704, the Boston Newspaper began publishing weekly, issued by the Postmaster. The Boston Gazette (1719) was printed by Benjamin Franklin's brother James Franklin. An independent newspaper is believed to have been published in the English colonies from James Franklin's New-England Currant (1721). Freedom of the press developed in 1735 when John Peter Zinger, publisher of a New York City newspaper, was acquitted of defending his political criticism based on facts. U.S. Freedom of the press in the United States was further protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution (1791). Much of the press in the new republic proved to be fiercely biased in the political battle between federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans.

Rotation in the low thousands was common for papers in the early 19th century. Increased literacy and technological advances in mechanical typesetting have made this possible through high-speed printing (rotary press), communication (telegraph and telephone) and transport (railways). Powered by papers in Great Britain and the United States, newspapers expanded their appeal and reduced prices. For example, in the mid-18th century, the Times increased the circulation from 5,000 to 18,000 (five pence) to 5,000. In the United States, Benjamin Day founded the Sun in New York City (1833) as the first successful penny paper. Two years later James Gordon Bennett started the New York Herald. He shaped many directions of modern journalism, with an emphasis on comprehensive coverage and entertainment. Horace Greeley, who crucified women's rights and against slavery, founded the Independent New York Tribune (1841). Another independent, though less inflammatory, paper, The New York Times, appeared 10 years later. By the middle of the 19th century, there were 400 daily and 3,000 weekly papers in the United States.

Press room of the New York Tribune in 1861.

Press room of the New York Tribune in 1861.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
What Happened was organized as a cooperative news-gathering venture by publishers from the Associated Press, New York, and Paul J. in London. Rutter started its foreign news service for (1858). The rivalry between Joseph Pulitzer and William Rand Helfhurst (Journal, 1895), who had owned the world since 1883 in New York City, led to an outpouring of so-called yellow journalism, Lurid and sensational news, and reactions to it in the late 1890s. Many papers in Western Europe became primarily components of political and literary opinion.

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